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Complementary therapies


Acupuncture revitalises the body by rebalancing the body’s flow of energy by stimulating the body’s ‘acupoints’ with fine needles. Factors believed to disturb the flow include a poor diet, hereditary factors, infections, injuries, stress, emotional upset and the weather.

Health problems that can respond well to acupuncture include painful arthritis, headaches, migraines, and neuralgia. Acupuncture can also help healing after fractures and sports injuries and can alleviate depression and anxiety, drug addiction, allergies, sinusitis and conditions aggravated by stress. It can also assist people who feel run-down but do not have any apparent physical illness or disease.

Working on the same principle as acupuncture, acupressure provides an alternative for people who don’t like needles. The other advantage of acupressure is that you can learn to use it on yourself to treat minor ailments such as tiredness, constipation, headaches and colds. However, it is less precise than acupuncture and therefore results are usually slower.

Acupuncture | Wikipedia
Acupuncture | NHS

Acupuncture | Cancer Research UK
Acupuncture | British Medical Acupuncture Society
Acupuncture | The Acupuncture Society

Does acupuncture even work? | Seeker | 25 Aug 2016 | 3m 59s

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