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Ball and prostate check-ups
Testicular cancer and ball check-ups
Testicular cancer is on the increase, mostly affecting younger men in their 20s to 40s. It’s easy to deal with when treated quickly so, in addition to regular sexual health check-ups, DIY ball checks can pick up early warning signs that something may be wrong.
DIY ball check-ups
Check your balls monthly in (or just after) a shower or bath when your ball sack is relaxed and stretchy:
- Rest your ball sack in your hand, feel its weight and use your fingers and thumb to feel each ball. It is normal for one ball to be slightly larger and lower than the other
- Gently roll each ball between your fingers and thumb. At the top you will feel the tube which it is attached to, and the firm, bumpy area where it joins on. The rest should be smooth without lumps or swelling
- If you feel anything that seems unusual or that concerns you, go to a clinic or your GP
- Over time you’ll get used to how your balls look and feel. This way you will notice any differences and problems quickly. Though most lumps and bumps turn out to be harmless, you should get them checked
- Remember, the earlier testicular cancer is found, the easier it is to treat
Testicular cancer | Cancer Research UK
Testicular cancer | Wikipedia
7 guys perform a testicular self-exam on camera | Birchbox Grooming | 26 Oct 2016 | 4m 8s
How to check for testicular Cancer | Dr Oz | The Oprah Winfrey Show | 20 Aug 2014 | 3m 37s
Testicular Cancer Self-Check Guide | Cahonas Scotland | 14 Dec 2014 | 2m 19s
Gentlemen, Touch Yourself Tonight | Deadpool | 28 Jan 2016 | 1m 13s