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When it's over
- If it hurts: let it hurt
- What’s done is done and you can’t change the past
- It’s okay to miss him but you will get by
- Recognise that he is not your responsibility any more. Make a clean break and don’t allow him to creep in through the back door (pun intended!)
- You may want to take some time off the scene. If not, recognise that you may be vulnerable
- Sometimes it can be many months before you feel able to even consider another commitment. There’s nothing wrong with that
- You have gained valuable experience: use it positively. If mistakes were made, learn from them
- Don’t mope about at home – get out and about, have a meal with friends, go on holiday
- Exercise and sports are a great way of burning off the calories and the angst
- Don’t look for blame or blame yourself
- Hold on to the good times and the positive aspects of the relationship