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A long way to go for LGBTI equality

In the year 2020, these remain realities for all too many lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex people across the European Union and beyond.This report presents select findings from our 2019 survey on LGBTI people in the EU and North Macedonia and Serbia. With almost 140,000 participants, it is the largest survey of its kind. It follows the agency’s first survey on LGBT people in the EU, conducted in 2012.
The results show little progress over the past seven years. More people are open about being LGBTI – but a majority still avoid holding their partner’s hand in public. They may have good reason to be discreet. Among those who are very open about being LGBTI, 40 % say they experienced harassment. Physical or sexual attacks also remain a concern: one in ten survey participants say they were targets of such violence in the five years before the survey.
A long way to go for LGBTI equality | European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights | 2020
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