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Future of HIV services in England

Future of HIV services The King's Fund

Undertaken by the King's Fund, this research aimed to make recommendations to those responsible at local and national levels for planning and delivering HIV services on how best to develop those services over the next 5–10 years. It included a review of existing literature and data, and interviews with national stakeholders. We then looked in detail at four geographical areas as case studies of how HIV services currently operate and the issues they face. This included finding out about patients’ experiences, through focus groups and interviews with people living with HIV. We held five focus groups and interviewed around 100 individuals, including direct input from 38 people living with HIV. Through the project’s advisory group and membership of our research team, we involved people living with HIV in all aspects of the study. We selected case study areas to give a diverse range of settings, including urban and rural areas, areas with high and low HIV prevalence, and a wide geographical spread (north and south of the country, and London).

The Future of HIV Services in England | The King's Fund | 2017

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