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LGBTQ* UK COVID-19 Lockdown 18-35 Experiences
Preliminary results from the LGBTQ* UK COVID-19 Lockdown Experiences survey. This is the First Survey in a series of surveys and interview studies planned on LGBTQ* adults’ experiences of the coronavirus pandemic and associated restrictions. "Many of the comments on the survey, and the numerical findings detailed, reveal the difficulties faced by people in LGBTQ* communities. But we also can see strengthand resilienceas respondents wrote of their concern and caring for others who were more vulnerable both within the LGBTQ* community and beyond." Please note preliminary results are based on n=345 replies and do not include the full sample of First Survey participants.
LGBTQ* UK COVID-19 Lockdown 18-35 Experiences | Birkbeck University of London and The British Academy
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