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HIV stigma

Fast-Track Cities London: tackling HIV stigma

FAST TRACK CITIES LONDONDuring the latter part of 2021, Fast-Track Cities launched a £300,000 fund for six projects to deliver empowerment training and personal development to tackle the internal stigma that people living with HIV experience. The six winning projects will be targeting a diverse range of communities typically experiencing higher levels of internalised stigma and less likely to engage with services or search out support. The six contracts have been awarded to the following voluntary and community sector organisations:

  • Positive East
    Will be offering three targeted courses supported by Action Learning Sets with three groups of people: women, African communities, and gay men from emerging communities.
  • 4M Mentor Mothers Network and NAM aidsmap
    Will develop a women’s network and virtual training, face-to-face empowerment training and work to consolidate the network, and form a Community of Practice and develop reporting.
  • Terrence Higgins Trust
    Will deliver four cohorts of peer learning sessions run by people living with HIV. Consist of understanding stigma/self–stigma, understanding HIV and (U=U/ can't pass it on), building confidence and self-esteem and building resilience for the future.
  • The Love Tank
    Will recruit, train and support 12 gay men living with HIV (over-serving migrant men, men of colour, men who don’t have English as a first language.
  • Positively UK
    Will deliver their training programme in partnership with two HIV clinics  (North Middlesex and Homerton). Seven topics to dismantling stigma over seven weeks, gradually building knowledge, confidence and connections to promote self-respect, self-acceptance and pride.
  • Metro and NAZ
    Will deliver an audio-visual project that zeroes in on the experiences of three marginalised groups within Latin American communities; trans people, MSM and women.

Six community projects to tackle HIV stigma | Fast Track Cities

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