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Reducing the risks and harm reduction
Hook-up safer
Tips and guidance to hook up more safely. Booklet is also available.
Sex and consent
Including support and further information.
Safer chemsex
Good to know. Connection and consent. Sexual health check-ups and self–test kits. Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). Safer slamming (injecting). Slamming (injecting) others and the law. Booty bumps. Back loading. Hepatitis C and cleaning douche kit. Reducing ‘G’ risks. ‘G’ dependence and withdrawal. Spiking: drinks and lubricant with ‘G’. Crystal meth. Mephedrone. Come downs. Ambulance call-outs and the police. Your rights on arrest. Drugs and the law. Finding the right support. Organisations, websites, and services. Printed booklet also available.
Safer chemsex pack (booklets and leaflets, on request, free)
Safer chemsex. Health and wellbeing, Rights on arrest. STI risk assessment tool. Calling for an ambulance. Safer hookups.
Chemsex first aid
Even with the best of intentions, you can do more harm than good if you are not trained or qualified, with possible legal implications if something goes wrong. Our best advice is to call 999 for an ambulance.