Search Result
SAFER 2023-24
The Connections Puzzler
Eight years, eight icons, eight connections, eight answers. Consider making a note of the years first. Answers can be submitted in any order.
The small print
The first 50 entries with the correct answers to all eight questions will receive a bespoke prize tailored to the campaign. The Connections Puzzler starts 12:00 on 1 June 2023, finishing at 12:00 on 31 March 2024 or when 50 prizes have been won.
No purchase is necessary. One entry per person. Prizes will be sent to UK addresses only. Responsibility will not be accepted for entries lost and illegible entries. Those not in accordance with the entry instructions will be disqualified. GMHC’s decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
Open to all residents of the United Kingdom, excluding GMHC employees, volunteers, their partners, shags, family and friends, agents, or anyone directly connected with GMHC. In unforeseen circumstances, GMHC reserves the right to offer alternative prizes of equal or greater value. Only the maximum number of prizes will be awarded. The competition is organised by the Gay Men's Health Collective (GMHC).
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