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SAFER 2023-24

Safer Pack Survey

SURVEY2We will send you a Safer pack if you don't have one. Simply complete our contact form, select Safer pack from the drop-down menu, and insert your address in the comment/ message.

Completing our survey

It's just possible we like surveys less than you, but completing our survey helps fund more health promotion like this, and ways to improve our health and well-being.

The survey is mostly tick-box questions, anonymous and takes less than 5 minutes (we've timed it). So, please help us to support you. The survey findings will be published on MENRUS.CO.UK with links posted on social media in December 2023 (est).

About the Safer pack

Where did you get the Safer pack?

Where did you get the Safer pack?

What was your first impression when you opened the pack?

What was your first impression when you opened the pack?

How useful are the booklets and leaflets to you?

How useful are the booklets and leaflets to you?

Would you like to see more health promotion like this?

Would you like to see more health promotion like this?

HIV and Hepatitis B and C testing

Have you had an HIV test?

Have you had an HIV test?

Have you been tested for Hepatitis B?

Have you been tested for Hepatitis B?

Have you been vaccinated against Hepatitis B?

Have you been vaccinated against Hepatitis B?

Have you been tested for Hepatitis C?

Have you been tested for Hepatitis C?

Monkeypox (MPOX)

How concerned were you when MPOX hit the news headlines in 2022?

How concerned were you when MPOX hit the news headlines in 2022?

Have you been vaccinated against MPOX?

Have you been vaccinated against MPOX?


Which of the following have you used in the last 3 months?

Which of the following have you used in the last 3 months?

Is chemsex a health issue for the LGBT+ community in London?

Is chemsex a health issue for the LGBT+ community in London?

Do we have the right chemsex support services in London?

Do we have the right chemsex support services in London?

Do you think the resources in this pack can help reduce drug harms?

Do you think the resources in this pack can help reduce drug harms?

Nearly finished

How much confidence do you have in the Metropolitan Police Service (Met) serving the LGBT+ community?

How much confidence do you have in the Metropolitan Police Service (Met) serving the LGBT+ community?

About you

In which London Borough do you live? (If you live outside London, please say which town or city).

In which London Borough do you live? (If you live outside London, please say which town or city).

Are you:

Are you:

How old are you?

How old are you?

Please describe your ethnicity

Please describe your ethnicity

Any final comments?

Tell us what you liked and didn't like about this campaign.

Tell us what you liked and didn't like about this campaign.

Click here to start the survey

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