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European Chemsex Forum
3rd European Chemsex Forum, Paris, 14-16 November 2019
Address key chemsex issues including sexual health and sexual pleasure; harm reduction and risk-taking; shame, crime, personal safety, peer support and online support. Feature a wide range of emerging structured, community-based local responses from both higher capacity and lower capacity locales. Focus attention on key under-represented populations including migrants, sex workers, trans and non-binary people. Focus attention on key regions, including Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Middle East and North Africa. Screen Micheal Rice’s documentary, parTy boi: black diamonds in ice castles, followed by a session on marginalisation. Have improved simultaneous translation with most sessions into French, Russian and English.
3rd European Chemsex Forum report | European Chemsex Forum
3rd European ChemSex Forum 2019 | NAM aidsmap
European Chemsex Forum | RESHAPE/ IHP
2nd European Chemsex Forum, Berlin, 22-24 March 2018
The 2nd European Chemsex Forum called for concrete actions at the local level to provide strategic resources to chemsex responders. The aim of the Forum was to develop a platform to engage in international, cross-sector, multi-disciplinary dialogue around chemsex-defined by the use of specific drugs (“chems”) in a sexual context ... and facilitate coordinated responses to chemsex issues in locales where chemsex related harm is a problem, regardless of its size and impact.
The chemsex challenge | Drug Policy Network SEE | 27 Mar 2018
Loneliness and community are key to chemsex | NAM aidsmap | 2 Apr 2018
The chemsex response is reshaping sexual health services and reinventing harm reduction | NAM aidsmap | Apr 2018
Non-consensual sex is a recurrent problem in the chemsex environment | NAM aidsmap | 9 Apr 2018
European Chemsex Forum, London, 6-8 April 2016
The European ChemSex Forum was a preliminary intelligence gathering and networking event aiming to provide a platform to engage in international, cross-sector, multi-disciplinary dialogue and discussions around ChemSex – defined by the use of specific drugs ("Chems") in a sexual context by Men who have Sex with Men (MSM), Transgender people and any other population disproportionately affected by HIV, hepatitis C and other sexually transmitted infections. The Forum was hosted by 56 Dean Street, GMFA, ReShape, International HIV Partnerships (IHP) and Professional Briefings, with the support of Gilead, ViiV Healthcare, Abbvie and AIDES and endorsed by the European AIDS Treatment Group, HIV in Europe and AIDS Action Europe. This meeting report synthesises and summarises the proceedings and outcomes of the European ChemSex Forum and has been prepared by the organising committee in consultation with key partners.
Report | European Chemsex Forum 2016 Report | European Chemsex Forum 2016
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