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Inequality: IFS Deaton Review

MENRUS.CO.UKThis report introduces the IFS Deaton Review, setting out some key background facts, questions and puzzles that will be addressed over the next five years.
Discussion of inequalities increasingly defines economic and political debate. Concerns abound that the poor are being left behind by the rich, the young by the old, the regions by the metropolis, the unskilled by the highly educated. Inequalities exist not just in income and living standards, but in wealth, health, family environments, life chances and political influence.

Inequalities in the twenty-first century: introducing the IFS Deaton Review | Nuffield Fioundation | 14 May 2019

Inequality: the IFS Deaton Review | Institute for Fiscal Studies | 12 Dec 2019 | 2m 18s
Comprehensive scientific analysis of inequalities. Chaired by Nobel Laureate Professor Sir Angus Deaton and funded by the Nuffield Foundation. Aims to not just to describe inequalities – in income, wealth, health, social mobility, political participation and more – but to understand what causes them and to offer concrete policy proposals to tackle them.

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