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Survey findings to better understand mainstream service chemsex support provision in Greater London
MENRUS.CO.UK volunteers check and update drug and alcohol and chemsex service listings regularly due, in part, to the frequency with which contracts are renewed (resulting in Internet ‘breadcrumbs’ for both old and new services) and inaccurate details on local authority websites.
In 2021, volunteers noticed a sustained uptick in mainstream drug services in Greater London stating the provision of chemsex support (of some description). In August 2021, MENRUS.CO.UK undertook a short survey to get a better understanding of this provision.
The survey findings will inform the accuracy of our listings and the information MEN R US provides and the findings have been shared with drug services in Greater London working in the drug and alcohol, and chemsex fields.
Survey findings to better understand mainstream service chemsex support provision in Greater London | February 2022 | MEN R US
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