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Hate crime report | GALOP

HATE CRIME REPORT 2019 | MENRUS.CO.UKHate crime report 2019 | GALOP

This research shows that our journey toward LGBT+ equality is far from over. Despite most people in this UK poll voicing support for LGBT+ people, a significant proportion still think we are dangerous, immoral or that we can be ‘cured’. More importantly, it offers a sobering reminder that progress achieved in recent decades can easily be reversed. Young people polled tended to hold more negative views toward LGBT+ people than other age groups. This alarming finding warns of a generational pivot ahead and a bumpy road for those of us committed to challenging anti-LGBT+ violence and abuse.

In this study, a representative sample of 1,617 people from across the UK answered questions on their beliefs about LGBT+ people. The key findings are:

  • More than 4 in 5 people said that LGBT+ people should be free to live as they wish. 1 in 20 said that LGBT+ people should not have this freedom
  • 1 in 5 people said being LGBT+ was ‘immoral or against their beliefs’. This rose to 1 in 4 among 18-24 year olds, higher than other age groups
  • 1 in 10 people thought that LGBT+ people were ‘dangerous’ to other people
  • 1 in 10 people said that being LGBT+ could be ‘cured’
  • Around 3 in 5 people responded very positively about having LGBT+ people as neighbours. 1 in 5 people showed reluctance to the idea of LGB+ neighbours, and more than 1 in 4 to trans neighbours
  • 3 in 5 respondents said that they were comfortable with trans people using the public restrooms that they use
  • 5 in 10 people agreed that hate crime has higher impact than other types of crime, and that LGBT+ people modify their behaviour in public to avoid being targeted. However, only 4 in 10 thought that violence against LGBT+ people is a problem in the UK.

Hate Crime Report 2019 | GALOP

GALOP | MENRUS.CO.UKHate Crime report 2016 | GALOP

This report presents evidence about the needs and priorities of LGBT communities in relation to hate crime. It includes analysis of an on-line community survey of 467 LGBT people, which asked about experiences of hate crime and interactions with services. It also analyses interviews and written submissions from 18 individuals who have either experienced hate crime, or are professionals working on this issue. Despite progress on this issue, the results presented here suggest that homophobia, biphobia and transphobia remain a significant part of LGBT peoples’ lives. Additionally, it found that individuals face considerable barriers to accessing assistance in terms of policy, practice and legislation.

Experiences of hate crime

  • 4 in 5 LGBT people had experienced hate crime
  • A quarter had experienced violent hate crime
  • A third experienced on-line hate crime
  • A tenth experienced sexual violence as part of a hate crime

Hate Crime Report 2016 | GALOP

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