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Nipples are one of our erogenous zones and contain many additional nerve endings. When stimulated they can be very sensitive and become hard and erect as the body provides them with additional blood. Tit play ranges from licking, sucking, and rubbing to pulling, pinching and biting. With repeated attention nipples often become increasingly responsive, give greater pleasure and increase in size.
Unless you’ve been given instructions, start off slowly to find out whether your guy likes it. Moans and whimpering usually indicate you’re on to a good thing. If not, it does no harm to ask him how he likes it. While moderate tit play is a real turn-on for many of us, a surprising number of guys (a) just assume it’s what other guys want, (b) start playing – aggressively, and (c) don’t think about how they’re doing or how they’re doing it. If you’ve got a guy clamped to your tit, ask him to slow down and tell him how you like it. If he won’t give up: push him off - they’re not radio buttons.
Some guys have their nipples pierced with rings or bars, which can increase sensitivity or be purely decorative. They have been known to be swallowed by eager partners, but they usually pass through the digestive system without any problems and a reassuring clunk 12 hours later. If you have any concerns – get yourself to an accident and emergency department. If you’ve got nothing better to do – buy a metal detector.
For some guys, the more attention their nipples receive the more they want, and it can quite a revelation to discover how hard he wants you to play with them. More advanced play will include tit clamps, which pinch the nipples tightly, or stimulation with extremes of heat and cold. However, over a period of years, overuse often leaves nipples looking more like cow’s udders rather than pert tits. You’ve been warned.
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