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Sex and consent
The Havens
The Havens | 020 3299 6900
The Havens can help you if you have been sexually assaulted or had non-consensual sex in the past 12 months. You can call them 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for an initial assessment. When they need to see you urgently, such as for a forensic medical examination (FME), they aim to see you within 90 minutes.
They also offer follow-up care, including counselling, tests and treatments. Its medical and emotional support services are confidential. That means it will not tell anyone you have contacted or come to see them unless you want them to. And you can use any of their services without involving the police. The Havens has 3 centres in London:
- Camberwell Haven, near to King’s College Hospital (South)
- Whitechapel Haven, near to Royal London Hospital (East)
- Paddington Haven, near to St Mary’s Hospital (West)