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Sex and consent


Survivors UK | Survivors | Talk to us: web/ text chat
Switchboard LGBT+ Helpline | Switchboard | 0800 0119 100
National Helpline for LGBT+ Victims and Survivors of Abuse and Violence | GALOP | 0800 999 5428
London LGBT+ Advice Line | GALOP | 020 7704 2040
Men's Advice Line | Men's Advice Line | 0808 801 0327
Support Line | Victim Support | 0808 168 9111
Rape Crisis (England and Wales) | 0808 500 2222

Survivors UK
Supporting male and non-binary survivors of sexual violence, providing counselling, practical help and community on your healing journey. Support also for loved ones, professionals and survivors who think its service is the right fit for them.
Survivors UK

We Are Survivors
A survivor-focused voluntary sector organisation that aims to create and facilitate safe spaces for male (including trans and non-binary individuals) survivors of sexual abuse, rape and sexual exploitation across Greater Manchester providing to access quality assured support.
We Are Survivors | Manchester | 0808 500 2222 | 24/7

Male Survivor Partnership Services Listing
This directory has been created with the aim of making it easier to find services that are local to your area. All organisations that work only with people who identify as male are categorised under ‘UK Male Specific Service’; those organisations that are gender inclusive and have an equitable service for those who identify as male, are categorised under ‘Male Inclusive Services’; and those services that outside the UK that work with those that identify as male, are categorised under ‘International Male Specific Services’.
Directory of Services
0808 800 5005

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