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Safer chemsex
Safer chemsex in a box
PIP PAC are safer chemsex packs made up of 40 ingredients, some of which need to be printed, pinched, stuck together and folded before being precision packed into a Post In Proportion (PIP) pack (PAC) mailing box. Uniquely, contents are colour coded to reduce sharing and transmission of blood-borne infections, including HIV and Hepatitis C.
PIP PAC was innovated by gay men in 2014—some of whom are living with HIV and/ or Hepatitis C—with direct knowledge and experience of recreational drug use; and problematic drug use, withdrawal, and recovery.
Order here: PIP PAC | Gay Men's Health Collective
We would love to give PIP PAC away for free, but they are not subsidised or receive government or grant funding. They are produced on a not-for-profit basis to give you the best value possible. Discretely packaged and posted 1st class, packs fit through standard letterboxes. Purchase online today, and there’s a good chance you’ll get yours tomorrow.
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