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Safer chemsex
Come downs
Much as we would like to think otherwise, using chems (recreational drugs) doesn’t create energy; they allow us to ‘borrow’ from tomorrow’s supply. And then, when tomorrow comes, it’s ‘payback’ time. Coming down happens because the feel-good chemicals produced by the brain have been released and used up. You will likely feel down until your brain has had the time it needs to replace them.
While some seem to take comedowns in their stride, others find them very challenging. It may take a few days to fully recover from a comedown. If you’re already tired, anxious, on your own, or have something important to do the next day, the effects of the comedown may be worse. The key is to minimise the impact and assist recovery:
Plan ahead
Stock-up beforehand, eg: snacks, some creature comforts and fresh sheets. Let people know that you’re coming down — and try to ensure there’s a reliable person you can call.
Taking more drugs to reduce cravings will delay the comedown and make it worse. The more drugs you take or mix, combined with a lack of food and sleep, will slow down your recovery.
Eat, sleep, hydrate, repeat
You will likely be dehydrated. Water will help flush the toxins out of your system. Eat and drink little and often, even if your appetite is poor. It’s important to get back into a routine, so aim for your usual bedtime.
Rest but do stuff
Try to relax. Avoid stressful situations and environments. Naps are good. Find something that will keep you occupied even if it’s little things strung together, eg: a shower, a chat with friends, a puzzle, TV or film, a book, a short walk in fresh air, or do some housework.
Put your phone down
Phones are a distraction from reality and a gateway to hook-up apps, porn and temptation. You will get back into a routine, and sleep better, if your body and brain are calm and relaxed. So, leave it alone.
Ensure you continue to take prescribed medication at the correct time.
Cocks, arses and mouths
Watch out for ulcers, sores, and cuts – particularly if they are not healing and/ or getting painful. Know where your sexual health service and local accident and emergency department are located should you need them. There’s always NHS 111 and your GP.
Relaxation techniques
Meditation, massage therapy, acupuncture, yoga and mindfulness can all help clear the mind, calm and regulate thinking, and relieve stress.