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Drugs and the law
Release provides a free, confidential, non-judgemental national information and advice service in relation to drugs and drug laws. Its drugs and legal teams are highly knowledgeable lawyers and drug professionals and are on-hand to help and advise you and respond to queries. Release don't use guides or frequently asked questions as each query will depend upon a unique set of facts and circumstances, so don’t be embarrassed to ask a question.
If you are unsure whether you have a drugs or legal inquiry don’t worry - their teams work in collaboration, so you can be assured you will receive a response to your query.
020 7324 2989 | 11am - 1pm and 2pm - 4pm, Mon - Fri
Message service is available 24 hours and they will return your call within one business day.
Email enquiry form HERE
Messages will be answered as soon as possible including weekends.
Tick Tock! | Three Flying Piglets for Release and MEN R US | 2017 | 1m