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HIV and AIDS history
Formed in March 1987, AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP) is an international, grassroots political group working to end the AIDS pandemic.
ACT UP was formed in response to social neglect, government negligence and the complacency of the medical establishment during the 1980s. Soon it found itself needing to fight corporate greed, lack of solidarity and various forms of stigma and discrimination at home and abroad. Works to improve the lives of people with AIDS through direct action, medical research, treatment and advocacy, and working to change legislation and public policies.
ACT UP New York
AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP) | Wikipedia
ACT UP Historical Archive
Lessons from a new history of ACT UP: An interview with Sarah Schulman | The New Inquiry | 13 Sep 2021
Radical AIDS Activist Group ACT UP | Flashback | NBC Out | 19 Oct 2016 | 1m 20s
ACT UP & ACT NOW seize control of the FDA | Suchislifevideos | 18 Jun 2014 | 29m 51s
ACT UP - A documentary in progress | Scot Robbe | 29 Oct 2010 | 3m 21s
Larry Kramer 20th Anniversary ACT-UP AIDS Coalition Unleash Power | LGBT Center NYC | 20 Jun 2009 | 8m 24m
ACT UP London
A diverse, non-partisan group of individuals united in anger and committed to direct action to end the HIV pandemic, along with the broader inequalities and injustices that perpetuate it.
"In the fourth decade of this crisis, we fight to ensure comprehensive and easily accessible treatment for all people, in all countries. This includes not only medications but also mental and social health services as well as housing and economic equality. Here in the UK, we are united with the coalition of activists fighting to keep our National Health Service free, publicly run, and fully funded. In a time of rising infection rates, we challenge anyone who would hinder or cut back on life-saving services around safer sex, education, clean needles and all other HIV prevention measures. And in a time of continuing stigma, silence, and isolation, we combat discrimination against and promote the visibility and leadership of those living with HIV and AIDS."
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