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Sexual health check ups
Finding a clinic
Unless a clinic has been recommended to you by a friend, it can difficult to know where to find a clinic whether you’re looking for your first clinic or moving to a different one.
Find a sexual health service | NHS
Sexual Health Services by London Borough | MEN R US
United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland | MEN R US
With few exceptions, most of us use clinics run by the National Health Service – they’re free (including treatment prescriptions) and generally very good. Alternatively, you can go to a private clinic and pay for it. Depending on where you live and work, it can be worth thinking about the clinic location, although this should be a secondary consideration after the quality of the service you receive. Even if there’s just the one locally, some gay men do go elsewhere to reduce the likelihood of recognition or because the service is crap. So shop around to find a clinic which best suits your needs.
Go online or phone up the clinic and find out if you need an appointment, or whether it is a ‘walk-in’ service. ‘Walk-in’ clinics can be very busy and it’s almost impossible to gauge how long you’ll be there. It is advisable to put aside a morning or afternoon until you have a clearer idea of how the clinic works. You might want to ask if they have a special clinic for gay men if that's what you're after.
Free on-line service (also available as an app) that helps find the right type of sexual health service at a convenient time near you including screening, HIV testing, chlamydia testing, PEP and sexual assault. Run by professionals, SXT has a database of more than 2,500 clinics across the UK and is open for everyone: all genders, ethnic groups and sexualities.
Three Flying Piglets (one of our other projects) has just completed a series of short animated films "TOM MEETS SXT" to promote the service.
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