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Hepatitis C and chemsex

DOUCHINGChemsex is largely understood to be responsible for a marked increase in Hepatitis C (HCV) among gay men and HCV and HIV co-infection.

HCV test and treat

HCV test and treat | 30s

In the time it takes to boil a kettle or have a piss and a flush, you can order a home test for Hepatitis C today. It's that quick. Should you come back positive, it's a course of tablets over 8 to 12 weeks. Order a home test kit today!

Hep C home testing kit | NHS

Reducing the risks

  • Using condoms for fucking or getting fucked
  • Using sterile syringes and needles when injecting
  • Using latex or non-latex gloves when fisting or getting fisted
  • Using your own supply of lube and not sharing
  • Using a new condom on dildos every time
  • Using your own straw when snorting drugs

Disinfecting douche heads

Unlike HIV which dies when it leaves the body, Hepatitis C has a 'tough outer shell' and can be passed on by sharing towels, toothbrushes, dildoes, and douche equipment, for example. Keeping douche heads and kit clean is an important part of reducing risks, especially at sex parties where they may be shared. Use a commercially available sex toy cleaner or you can make up your own solution of 1 part thin bleach to 10 parts water. Make sure you clean and rinse well before each use.


Hepatitis C | Hepatitis C Trust
Hepatitis C [HCV] and HIV/ HCV co-infection | nam aidsmap
 Hepatitis C treatment | nam aidsmap

Hepatitis C | NHS
Hep C U Later | NHS
Hepatitis C | British Liver Trust
Hepatitis C | LGBT Hero
 Hepatitis C | Wikipedia


Sofosbuvir for treating chronic hepatitis C | NICE
Ledipasvir–sofosbuvir for treating chronic hepatitis C | NICE
Elbasvir–grazoprevir for treating chronic hepatitis C | NICE

The Routemap to hepatitis C elimination in London

The Routemap to hepatitis C elimination in London sets the direction of travel to bring key stakeholders together and make elimination a reality in London. Stakeholders are coming together to develop a pan-London approach to preventing new infections, increasing access to testing for people at risk, and improving pathways to treatment for those infected. Stakeholders also aim to make pathways seamless and synergistic with the efforts aimed at tackling HIV and other bloodborne viruses.

The concept of the Routemap to elimination in London started at a meeting of leaders in the hepatitis C field from across NHS England and NHS Improvement, local government, PHE, the ODNs, local authority public health teams, outreach projects, and the third sector in June 2019, convened by the GLA and LJWG. There was unanimous agreement that a coordinated and concerted approach to eliminating hepatitis C in the capital was needed.

Hepatitis C programmes could save 1.5 million deaths by 2030 | Imperial College London
Routemap to Hepatitis C Elimination in London

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