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The Canada-International HIV and Rehabilitation Research Collaborative (CIHRRC) is an international research collaborative that includes people living with HIV, researchers, clinicians, representatives from community-based HIV service organizations, and policy stakeholders with an interest in HIV and rehabilitation research.
CIHRRC broadly defines rehabilitation as:
“Any services or activities that address or prevent impairments, activity limitations, and social participation restrictions for people living with HIV”
[Worthington C, Myers T, O’Brien K, Nixon S, & Cockerill R. (2005). Rehabilitation and HIV/AIDS: Development of an expanded conceptual framework. AIDS Patient Care and STDs, 19, 258-71].
Examples include
- physical therapy
- occupational therapy
- speech-language pathology
- physiatry (rehabilitation medicine)
- services provided through community-based organizations
Finding out more
If you are living with HIV and/ or getting older you may find CIHRRC’s research both interesting and of value. In addition to the written research, its website includes over 60 presentations filmed by Three Flying PIglets, part of the Gay Men's Health Collective.
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