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STI signs and symptoms
Sexually transmitted infections are caused by:
- Bacteria which generally live and multiply in the warm and moist parts of your body like your throat, inside your penis and in your anus and rectum.
- Viruses which generally need to get into the blood stream before they can do harm.
- Parasites which live on your body in areas like your groin and armpits.
While some STIs have no symptoms, most do and can include:
- Itching in or around the cock, balls and arsehole.
- Burning or itching when you piss or poo.
- Needing to piss or poo and then not being able to go, or only going a little.
- Spots, scabs, or rashes on the cock, balls, or entrance to the arsehole or body rash,
- Pus from the end of the cock or from the arsehole itself.
- Unusual lumps or bumps.