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Condom standards

CE + ISO + BSIYou may find several standards stamped on condom wrappers but, in our opinion, our order of preference is:

  1. ISO Standard is managed by the International Organization for Standardisation; give world-class specifications for products, services and systems, to ensure quality, safety and efficiency; and are instrumental in facilitating international trade.
  2. CE Mark is a European Economic Area symbol of licence approval. It therefore means that it meets all the requirements of European Legislation.
  3. BSI Kitemark is the registered trademark owned by the British Standard Institution, an accepted sign of reliability and a significant assurance that a product meets rigorous standards of production and testing.

ISO Standard | International Organisation for Standardisation | Wikipedia
CE Marking | GOV.UK | Wikipedia
BSI Kitemark | British Standards Institute | Wikipedia

UK to retain EU safety mark in latest Brexit climbdown
The UK will retain the EU’s CE product safety mark indefinitely, in the latest climbdown from proposed post-Brexit changes, after the government bowed to pressure from industry and manufacturers.
UK to retain EU safety mark in latest Brexit climbdown | 1 Aug 2023

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