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HPV vaccination

The human papilloma virus (HPV) is a common STI that affects the skin and the moist lining inside parts of the body most commonly in the genital area, anus, mouth and throat.

You do not need to have penetrative sex. You can get HPV from skin-to-skin contact of the genital area, vaginal, anal or oral sex, and sharing sex toys. Condoms help prevent HPV but don't offer total protection because they don't cover all the genital skin/ area.

HPV usually goes away without treatment but some HPV infections cause genital warts. Others can cause abnormal cells to develop, which go on to become cancer (mouth, anus, penis, cervix, and vulva).

Vaccination helps protect against HPV which is recommended gay and bisexual men and other men who have sex with men under 45, who are at higher risk. Don't delay. Get vaccinated!

Human papillomavirus (HPV) | NHS
HPV (human papilloma virus) | LGBT Hero
Does HPV cause cancer? | Cancer Research UK
Human papilloma virus (HPV) | Macmillan Cancer Support
HPV vaccination programme | UK HSA | GOV.UK
Human papillomavirus infection | Wikipedia

Sexual health services listed by London boroughs  | MEN R US
Sexual health services directories: United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland | MEN R US


Human papillomavirus and cancer | WHO | 5 Mar 2024
HPV vaccine offered to men who have sex with men in England | BBC | 5 Feb 2018

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