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STI self-test kits
Sexual Health London
Sexual Health London (SHL) is a self-test STI kit service that provides free sexual health through the internet and local venues. Simply register for SHL and complete an online consultation to order your free STI test kit.
Please note the service is designed for individuals who have no symptoms. If you have symptoms, please attend your local sexual health clinic. The service is available to people aged 16 and over residents in most London Boroughs.
Hillingdon, Croydon and Greenwich do not participate in SHL (checked 19/08/24).
The service provides testing for sexually transmitted infections, including chlamydia, gonorrhoea, HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and hepatitis C via samples you can collect at home.
Sexual Health London | Sexual Health London
How SHL uses your data
Please click this link if you would like to know how Sexual Health London collects and uses the data you provide. SHL states, "Currently, no profiling is undertaken, and we have no plans to do so. Profiling would only ever be used to help us fulfil our duties under the Equality Act 2010 in advancing equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it." SHL is operated by Preventx, Chelsea and Westminster NHS Trust, LloydsPharmacy and Zesty, backed by Mangrove Capital Partners, Innovation Capital and Qualcomm Ventures.
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