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Mental health matters

LGBT+ People and COVID-19

COVID-19 AND LGBT+It goes without saying that COVID-19 has affected everybody in one way or another around the world, and continues to do so. The LGBT+ community have been hard it by COVID-19 some of whom already experience long term inequalities and research studies clearly evidence that LGBT+ people have less favourable health outcomes than their heterosexual counterparts, eg:

These impacts have increased markedly under COVID-19 as LGBT+ people have virtually no access to their (street) communities, and (already stretched) LGBT+ services and mainstream services. Currently, research/ studies are limited but evidence identified strongly indicates that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on the mental health of LGBT+ people living in the UK.

Specifically, increased anxiety and depression and feelings of isolation and loneliness; increased domestic abuse, and increased substance misuse with relapses from sobriety; the loss of queer safe spaces, supportive identity-affirming peer-groups, including scene venues (declining in Greater London). This echoes local intelligence gathered by GMHC during the lockdowns when we added additional mental health content, repeatedly signposted to services still open via social media - at a time when visitor numbers doubled.

With this in mind, we have also pulled together articles about how COVID-19 has affected LGBT+ people though we should also say that we have also been resilient, imaginative, inclusive, and supportive in ways we could not have imagined in 2019.

 'I had to hide myself again': young LGBT people on their life in UK lockdown | The Guardian | 5 Aug 2020
 Lockdown having 'pernicious impact' on LGBT community's mental health | The Guardian | 5 Aug 2020
 LGBT: Covid-19 forced me back home where I'm 'unwanted' | BBC News | 31 May 2020

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the LGBT community | Wikipedia

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