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Can’t sleep, won’t sleep
Reasons for insomnia are numerous, and include:
- Unfamiliar surroundings
- An unfamiliar bed or man
- Noise and too much light
- Feeling cold or being too hot; inadequate ventilation
- An uncomfortable bed; having bedding which is too light or too heavy
- Anxiety, stress, depression, emotional upset, and overwork
- Disturbed sleep patterns – grinding of teeth
- Bad eating habits, eg: eating a large meal late at night and indigestion
- Drinking caffeine-based tea or coffee just before going to bed
- Thirst (often made worse if you’ve been drinking alcohol)
- Lack of exercise during the day
- Trying to sleep more than you think you need
- A full bladder and waking for a piss in the middle of the night
- A heart or lung disorder which may make breathing and lying down difficult
- Pain and illness
- High or on recreational drugs
16 ways couples sleep together | Husband and Husband | 13 Mar 2017 | 2m 25s
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