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Mental health organisations and other resources
Mental health organisations and other resources
It's not perfect, and there's overlap, but we have grouped organisations under the following headings (including a COVID-19 page if they have one):
- National
- London
- Anxiety, OCD, eating disorders, and self-harm
- Younger persons
- Networks
- More: Meetup groups, and short films on mental health
National charity providing advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. It campaigns to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.
LGBTIQ+ mental health | MIND
Coronavirus and your wellbeing | MIND
Mental Health Foundation
Work includes a wide range of mental health publications, community and peer programmes, research; public engagement; and advocacy. Takes a public mental health approach to prevention, finding solutions for individuals, those at risk and for society to improve everyone’s mental wellbeing.
Mental Health Foundation | Mental Health Foundation
Looking after your mental health during the Coronavirus outbreak | Mental Health Foundation
Delivers a better life for people severely affected by mental illness by meeting their mental health needs and but also helping them to improve their physical health, take control of their lives and establish a sense of belonging to their community. Vision for equality, rights, the fair treatment and maximum quality of life for all those affected by mental illness, their carers, family and friends.
Rethink | Rethink
LGBT+mental health | Rethink Mental Illness
National Health Service (NHS) information and resources.
Mental health and wellbeing | NHS
Guidance for the public on the mental health and wellbeing aspects of coronavirus (COVID-19) | NHS
Works to improve quality of life for people affected by mental illness. Provides care and emotional support for people with mental health problems, raises awareness and combat stigma about mental illness, and promote and hosts research into the causes and more effective treatments.
Living with COVID: the strategy
NHS psychological therapies service (IAPT)
If you live in England, you can refer yourself to an NHS psychological therapies service (IAPT). IAPT services offer NICE recommended therapies, such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), for common problems involving stress, anxiety and depression. Anyone who is registered with a GP can access IAPT services on the NHS. If you're not registered with a GP, search for a GP.
NHS psychological therapies service (IAPT) | NHS
Support Line
Provides a confidential telephone helpline offering emotional support to any individual on any issue; primarily a preventative service and aims to support people before they reach the point of crisis.
Support Line
01708 765200
"Blurt exists to make a difference to anyone affected by depression. Being diagnosed can be overwhelming – there’s a lot to learn and plenty of prejudice to battle. Telling people is tough, and not everyone will understand. That’s why we’re here for you, whenever you need us, for anything at all. We’ll help you understand depression and what it means for you. We’ll support you, listen to you and introduce you to people who’ve been where you are. We’ll help you break down barriers and broach the subject with those closest to you. We’ll help you help yourself, with a little knowing nod."
Coronavirus and your mental health
"Vent’s mission is to provide a safe space where everyone, but especially men and boys can express themselves; break down the stigma around mental health, and start conversations."
The Free Psychotherapy Network
Free psychotherapy for people on low incomes and benefits
The Free Psychotherapy Network
The Black, African, and Asian Therapy Network (BAATN)
Independent UK organisation to specialise in working psychologically, informed by an understanding of intersectionality, with people who identify as Black, African, South Asian and Caribbean.
The Black, African, and Asian Therapy Network (BAATN)
Every mind matters | NHS
There are little things you can all do to help look after our mental health. Having good mental health helps relax more, achieve more and enjoy our lives more. Expert advice and practical tips from NHS to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing, so discover what works for you.
Every mind matters
Sex Addicts Anonymous in the UK (SAA)
Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA) welcomes people of any sexual identity or orientation, whether they are gay, lesbian, straight, bisexual, transgender or questioning. SAA offers a message of hope and recovery for sex addicts in the LGBTQ+ communities. SAA is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength and hope with each other in order to find freedom from addictive sexual behaviour and help others recover from sex addiction. Our programme is based on the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous, though we are not affiliated with AA or any other organisation.
Sex Addicts Anonymous in the UK
Thrive LDN (London)
London wide movement to improve the mental health and wellbeing of all Londoners. It is supported by the Mayor of London and led by the London Health Board partners.
Tools and resources to help your mental health and wellbeing | Thrive LDN
Coronavirus updates and guidance | Thrive LDN
Good Thinking (London)
Designed for anyone living or working in London to improve the mental health and wellbeing with over 120 online resources are signposted to through its website, including wellbeing information sources; guides to improving mental health; courses on and offline; mobile apps and other therapy approaches.
Good Thinking | NHS, London’s borough councils and Public Health England
Coronavirus and mental health
LGBT Foundation
Supports the needs of the diverse range of people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans. Nationally recognised charity firmly rooted in our local communities of Greater Manchester and provide a wide range of evidence-based and cost-effective services.
LGBT Foundation
Why LGBT people are disproportionately impacted by COVID | LGBT Foundation | April 2020
Impulse Group
Founded in 2009, Impulse Group is a nonprofit organisation dedicated to building a stronger and healthier community for gay men. Hosting over 400 events annually in 25 cities across the globe, Impulse seeks to create a brave space to engage, support and connect our community.
Impulse Group
LGBTQ+ podcast exploring mental health (and dealing with your own rock bottom) presented by Brendan Geoghegan and Matthew Riley. Relaxed and very listenable. Podcasts cover an eclectic mix of topical issues including conversion therapy, exercise and fitness (does it really matter), BlackOut UK, LGBT+ History Month, queer youth making up a quarter of the youth homeless population, and news about the first LGBT+ affirming retirement community in the UK.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder UK
National charity working for children and adults affected by Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Provides advice, information, and support services for those affected by OCD, and campaign to end the trivialisation and stigma of OCD. User-led service where everyone involved in the organisation have personal experience of OCD, either directly or through a loved one.
OCD and coronavirus survival tips | OCD UK
No Panic
Helps people who suffer from panic attacks, phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorders and other related anxiety disorders including those people who are trying to give up tranquillizers
No Panic
0844 967 4848
BEAT Eating Disorders
Beat is the UK’s eating disorder charity with resources including tips and advice on recovery in the face of uncertainty, seven ways to keep working towards recovery during the pandemic, and making sure your extra kind and patient with yourself. BEAT exists to end the pain and suffering caused by eating disorders. A champion, guide and friend to anyone affected, giving individuals experiencing an eating disorder and their loved ones a place where they feel listened to, supported and empowered.
BEAT Eating Disorders | Beat Eating Disorders
Eating disorders and coronavirus | Beat Eating Disorders
Voluntary organisation managed and led by people with personal experience of self-injury, and we are non-judgemental, non-directional, and respectful of our members’ and visitors’ life experiences and perceptions. Aims to support all people who are affected in any way by self-injury within the UK and beyond. Supports people using self-injury, and family and friends of people who self-injure, and professionals (including health care workers) who are interested in self-injury. LifeSIGNS has been gay run since its founding in 2002.
Life Signs
Anxiety UK
National registered charity for those affected by anxiety, stress and anxiety-based depression whether you have anxiety, stress, anxiety-based depression, or phobia that’s affecting your daily life.
Anxiety UK
08444 775 774
Mermaids UK
Supports children and young people up to 19 years old suffering from gender identity issues, their families and supporting professionals. Support includes a helpline, email service, direct support, online forums for parents and teens, plus local and national meetings.
0808 801 0400
Mermaids UK
The Mix | under 25s
Takes on the embarrassing problems, weird questions, and please-don’t-make-me-say-it-out-loud thoughts you have. Gives you the information and support you need to deal with it all. Because you can. Because you’re awesome, says the Mix
The Mix
Coronavirus: tips and information
0808 808 4994
Voice Collective
UK-wide, London-based project that supports children and young people who hear voices, see visions, have other ‘unusual’ sensory experiences or beliefs. Also, offers support for parents/families, and training for youth workers, social workers, mental health professionals and other supporters.
Voice Collective
Nightline | for Students
Confidential, anonymous, non-judgmental, non-directive and non-advisory support services run by students for students. Any university student can contact the Nightline at their institution.
Hopelineuk is a confidential support and advice service for children and young people under the age of 35 who are experiencing thoughts of suicide. Anyone concerned that a young person could be thinking about suicide.
0800 068 41 41
07860 039967
"Vent’s mission is to provide a safe space where everyone, but especially men and boys can express themselves; break down the stigma around mental health, and start conversations."
Staying Safe (from suicidal thoughts)
Resources to get you through feelings that your life is not worth living.
Staying Safe
Bipolar UK
Support to enable people affected by bipolar disorder/manic depression to take control of their lives.
0333 323 3880
Bipolar UK
Alcoholics Anonymous
Free helpline for alcohol issues.
0800 9177 650
Alcoholics Anonymous
If you are worried about your drinking, call this free helpline in complete confidence.
0300 123 1110 (weekdays 9am – 8pm, weekends 11am – 4pm)
Gamblers Anonymous
Confidential help with a gambling problem. Chatline and meeting details are on the website.
Gamblers Anonymous
Provides support to anyone suffering through a gambling problem. Free helpline through to a trained advisor.
0808 8020 133
Narcotics Anonymous (UKNA)
Recovering addicts who help each other stay clean. Meetings in person or online.
0300 999 1212
Narcotics Anonymous (UKNA)
Anger Management (British Association of Anger Management
0845 130 0286
British Association of Anger Management
Cruse Bereavement Care
Support, information, advice, to enable anyone bereaved to understand grief and cope with loss.
0808 808 1677
Cruse Bereavement Care
National Survivor User Network (NSUN)
Network of people who have and do experience mental distress who want to change things for the better. Connects people and influences policy, practice and perceptions by amplifying the experiences and aspirations of our members. Set up to build a more united and confident mental health service user movement. Recognises the isolation, discrimination and disadvantage experienced by mental health service users and their needs beyond clinical treatment.
National Survivor User Network (NSUN)
NSUN Covid-19 update
Hub of Hope
National mental health database which brings together organisations and charities, large and small, from across the country who offer mental health advice and support, together in one place.
Hub of Hope
Selection of Facebook and MeetUp Groups
Men's Mental Health | Private
Men’s Mental Health | Private
Men's Health | Open
Black Gay Men's Wellness Month | Open
Gay Health Network | Open
LGBT Mental Health Providers | Private
LGBT Wellbeing | MeetUp
Short films on mental health
Why do so many LGBT people suffer from mental health problems? | BBC Newsnight | 28 Jul 2017 | 6m 39s
How to practice emotional first aid | Guy Winch | TED Talks | 16 Feb 2015 | 17m 28s
Confessions of a depressed comic | Kevin Breel | TED Talks | 27 Sep 2013 | 10m 56s
What's So Funny About Mental Illness? | Ruby Wax | TED Talks | 10 Oct 2012 | 8m 44s
Psych2Go Channel on YouTube
A "weekly dose of fun and interesting psychology, creepy psychology, psychopaths, serial killers, pop psychology, political psychology. Pretty much whatever you learn in school, but just in a way that you can apply and relate."
Wanna Talk About It | Netflix
It came as a bit of a surprise when we found that Netflix has a website with support on sexual violence and abuse, mental health and well-being and self-harm and suicide. It's limited with a heavy US focus. Organisations taking part include the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), Mental Health America, The Trevor Project, Crisis Text Line and American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.
Wanna Talk About It | Netflix