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Death and dying, bereavement and grief

Bereavement and grief

BEREAVEMENT AND GRIEFBereavement is the loss of someone close to you while grief is the response to bereavement. The loss may be a boyfriend, partner, husband,  pet, or family member. However, mourning the loss of an LGBT+ partner can carry additional burdens:

  • if there is little family or community support
  • if family and friends have not approved or been supportive of the relationship
  • if the relationship is secret

However, there are other types of loss such as the end of a job, a home, or a relationship. Some of the most common responses include1:

  • Feeling overwhelmed, sadness and/ or depression
  • Shock, numbness, denial and/ or disbelief
  • Panic and/ or confusion
  • Anger, guilt and/ or hostility
  • Tearfulness and/ or crying
  • Tiredness and/ or exhaustion
  • Loss of appetite
  • Mixed feelings and/ or relief

These feelings may not be there all the time and/ or may come on or disappear unexpectedly. There's no right or wrong way to feel and grieving is a process (a journey) not a task to tick off. For some, grief may last for several years, for others, it may last for the rest of their life.

Bereavement and grief

Bereavement and grief | MIND
Coronavirus, bereavement and grief | Cruse
 Compassion in Dying
About grief | Cruse
Grief after bereavement or loss | NHS
Grief | Wikipedia
Support around death | NHS Scotland
Helpful contacts | Beravement Advice Centre


0300 330 0630 | Switchboard+
0808 808 1677 | Cruse
116 123 | Samaritans

Helplines | MEN R US


Mental health matters | MEN R US
Faith and religion | MEN R US
HIV and AIDS History | MEN R US


The Phases of Grief: Understanding Bereavement | The Loss Foundation UK | 21 Jul 2017 | 4m 37s
How to Deal With Loss or Grief of Love Ones | psych2go | 20 Dec 2019 | 5m 11s

1 Adapted from NHS and MIND

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