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Housing and homelessness support

Albert Kennedy Trust

AKTSupports up to the age of 25, who are (or think you might be) lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or intersex, homeless, sofa-surfing or living in crisis and/ or living in a violent, hostile or abusive home.

Albert Kennedy Trust is the national LGBT youth homelessness charity; focused on prevention and early action. It provides safe homes, mentoring, training, advocacy and support to young people who are homeless or living in a hostile environment after coming out to their parents, caregivers and peers.

Albert Kennedy Trust | Albert Kennedy Trust
Albert Kennedy Trust | Wikipedia

Offices in London, Manchester and Newcastle which are staffed from 10am - 4.30pm, Monday - Friday

48 The Chocolate Studios, 7 Sheperdess Place, London N1 7LJ
020 7831 6562
Albert Kennedy Trust

5 Oak Street, Northern Quarter, Manchester M4 5JD
0161 228 3308
Albert Kennedy Trust

 1 Osborne Road, Jesmond, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 2AA
0191 281 0099
Albert Kennedy Trust

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