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Coming out to yourself
Coming out stories online
There are many heartfelt and thoughtful coming out stories. Here are a few which have caught our eye ... a selection we pulled together in 2015 when we launched this website.
There have been a ton of coming out stories since then. Don’t be put off that some are a few years old as the issues are surprisingly similar across decades and generations.
However, we would like to make the point that you are not obliged to make a video. It's not a required coming out rite of passage ... and just because 'everybody' else seems to be doing it doesn't mean you have to.
Coming out should be about you, on your terms, and your journey. So please think carefully before jumping out of the closet onto YouTube!
Tom, UK | 4 May 2011 | 12m 53s (Minor Sound Sync Issue)
Connor Franta, US | 8 Dec 2014 | 6m 27s
Troye Sivan, US | 7 Aug 2013 | 8m 17s
Mark Ludford, UK | 26 Aug 2014 | 6m 36s
Nathan Henderson, US | 3 Aug 2014 | 15m 21s
Ian McKellen, UK | Anderson Live | 14 Dec 2012 | 2m 13s
Mandeep Jangi, US | I'm From Driftwood | 13 Aug 2014 | 4m 54s
Jonny Benjamin, UK | 29 Sep 2014 | 2m 48s
Tom Wicker, UK | I'm From Driftwood | 30 Jul 2014 | 5m 29s
And for a something a little less usual there's:
My Coming Out Story | Ivan Cruz | 23 Jan 2014 | 6m 31s
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