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Coming out to others
Bad coming out experience?
There's no getting around it but sometimes the first person you tell and confide in is not there for you, becoming hostile, argumentative unkind, even violent.
Get help and support now!
You may feel hurt, vulnerable and lonely but there are some truly great organisations who are there for you.
- Switchboard GBT+ Helpline 0345 3 30 30 30 (10am-11pm),
- LGBT Foundation 0300 330 0630 (10am-10pm daily)
- Albert Kennedy Trust 020 7831 6562 (up to the age of 25)
- Samaritans 0845 7 90 90 90 (24/7)
- If you feel unsafe, can you stay with a friend or other family member (even if you don't tell them why)?
- If you are in imminent danger or in fear of your life call 999. No ifs or buts.