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Political parties, MPs and local government
Political parties
Conservative Party
Conservative LGBT Group
Conservative Party | Wikipedia
Labour Party
LGBT Labour
Labour Party | Wikipedia
Green Party
LGBTIQIA Green Party
Green Party (England and Wales) | Wikipedia
Liberal Democrat Party
LGBT+ Liberal Democrats
Liberal Democrats | Wikipedia
Socialist Workers Party
Socialist Party Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender group (LGBT)
Socialist Workers Party | Wikipedia
List of political parties in the United Kingdom | Wikipedia
Members of Parliament (MP)
A Member of Parliament (MP) is the person elected by all those who live in a particular area (constituency) to represent them in the House of Commons. MPs have regular surgeries where you raise issues with them in person (regardless of whether you voted for them or not). The basic annual salary of a Member of Parliament (MP) in the House of Commons is £84,144, as of April 2022. In addition, MPs are able to claim allowances to cover the costs of running an office and employing staff, and maintaining a constituency residence or a residence in London.
Find your MP | UK Parliament
Member of Parliament (United Kingdom) | Wikipedia
Most people don’t know the name of their MP, let alone what they’ve been saying in Parliament or how they’ve voted. TheyWorkForYou aims to get that changed. You can search by topic, a unique link for every statement, and by name and/ or party.
Fights for the right information to reach the people who need it most, whether that’s individuals making decisions about their health or who to vote for; or politicians debating the future of our country. Anyone making serious claims in public debate—fact checkers included—should be prepared to: get their facts right, back up what they say with evidence, and correct their mistakes.
FullFact | Wikipedia
Led by Donkeys
Political campaign group, established in December 2018 as an anti-Brexit group, but which has also criticised other actions of Boris Johnson's government. Since the group's creation, its four founders have been calling out what they call "thermonuclear hypocrisy" and used satire targeted at pro-Brexit politicians. Led By Donkeys' main campaign consists of billboards containing past tweets by pro-Brexit politicians or quotes presented as tweets.
Led By Donkeys
Led by Donkeys | Wikipedia
Local government (your councillors)
Local government is responsible for a range of vital services for people and businesses in defined areas. These include social care, schools, housing and planning and waste collection but also lesser known: licensing, business support, registrar services and pest control. Local councils, which is the most common type of local authority, are made up of councillors who are elected by the public in local elections. For example, Greater London is divided into 32 Boroughs (each managed by a Council). Each Borough is divided up into areas called wards which have three Councillors who are elected every four years. Councillors work with local people and partners, such as local businesses and other organisations, to agree and deliver on local priorities. Councillors have regular surgeries where you raise issues with them in person (regardless of whether you voted for them or not). The decisions are implemented by permanent council staff (council officers) who deliver services day-to-day. The basic allowance paid to every councillor of £11,045. Updated for the local government staff pay awards since then (and including an indicative 1.75% award for 2021-22, which is still the subject of negotiation), the figure is now £12,014.
Find your local councillors | GOV.UK
Greater London Assembly (GLA)
The Greater London Authority - also known as "City Hall" - is the devolved regional governance body of Greater London. It consists of two political branches: the executive Mayoralty and the 25-member London Assembly, which serves as a means of checks and balances on the former. Until the end of 2021, the Mayor and Assembly Members used to meet at City Hall (110 The Queen's Walk, London, SE1). City Hall has now relocated to The Crystal (Royal Victoria Docks, London E16). One important element of the GLA Act is to determine the seven 'statutory' London strategies the Mayor must publish. They are strategies for the Environment, Spatial Development (the London Plan), Transport, Economic Development, Housing, Culture, and Health Inequalities.
Mayor of London
The Mayor (currently Sadiq Khan) is the chief executive of the Greater London Authority, providing citywide leadership and creating priorities and policies to improve life for Londoners. The Mayor’s salary is £152,734.
Mayor of London | Greater London Authority
Mayor of London | Wikipedia
Salaries | Greater London Authority
The London Assembly
The London Assembly holds the Mayor and Mayoral Advisers to account by examining their work to ensure promises to Londoners are delivered. The London Assembly is a 25-member elected body, with elections every four years (same time as the Mayor). There are 14 geographical constituencies, each electing one Member, with a further 11 members elected from a party list to make the total Assembly Members. The salary of an Assembly Member is currently £58,543 per year.
Find your London assembly member | Greater London Authority
London Assembly | Wikipedia
Salaries | Greater London Authority
London Councils
London Councils makes the case to government, the Mayor and others to get the best deal for Londoners and to ensure that its member authorities have the resources, freedoms and powers to do the best for their residents and local businesses.
London Councils
The Local Government Association (LGA)
The Local Government Association (LGA) is the national membership body for local authorities, working on behalf of its member councils to support, promote and improve local government.
Local Government Association
LGA Conservatives
LGA Labour
LGA Lib Dem Group
LGA Independent