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Housing, sofa surfing and homelessness


NIGHTSTOPNightstop provides free overnight accommodation in the home of a volunteer. You get a private room, a hot meal and access to washing and laundry facilities. You can use the service for up to 3 weeks and may be housed with the same host or different hosts. Nightstop is for young people aged 16 to 25, who've become homeless suddenly and need a place to stay because, for example:

  • you've been kicked out of your home
  • you've fallen out with a family member and are unable to stay with them
  • you're fleeing domestic abuse

Different nightstop schemes have different rules about who they'll accept. For example, some will only accept applicants who don't have a history of violent or anti-social behaviour, a drug or alcohol problem or a health problem they can't support.

The first Nightstop opened in 1987 in Leeds and there is now a network of 33 Nightstops around the UK.

Nightstop | Nightstop
Main Office, Sherborne House, 34 Decima Street, London SE1 4QQ
020 7939 1220

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