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Housing and homelessness support
Flat hunting tips
Flat hunting tips from our own experiences:
- Try to be honest with yourself about a) where you want to live, b) who you want to live with, and c) why
- When looking at a property, go with a friend and get a second opinion ... making sure your friend is sensible!
- When looking, don’t be afraid to ask questions. It’s going to be your home
- If you’re seeing more than one place, it can be easier to compare them if you devise a check-up list for each property
- When you think you've found 'the place', check it out at different times of the day/ week
- Can you honestly afford the rent? Make a complete budget of all your income and outgoings
- Find out precisely what you have to pay on top of the rent and if the bills are shared, etc
- Almost without exception, you are responsible for a TV licence. If you get caught, the fines can be heavy!
- Landlords require references and deposits. Try and arrange this before you start looking
- If you have ANY doubts, concerns or queries, get professional advice BEFORE you agree to or sign anything
- Make sure you understand the terms you agree under which you hand over the deposit, and get it back when you leave
- Read all contracts and agreements carefully – including the weeny small print
- Get written receipts for all transactions
- Keep notes and write stuff down
- Think very carefully before moving in with an ex, sleeping with the landlord, sleeping with a flatmate or the partner of a flatmate or the best friend of a flatmate (you get where this is going)