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Coming out to yourself
I know I am different
From the day boys are born, society still assumes (though this is changing) they will be heterosexual, have children with a girlfriend or wife, and follow gender orientated work and career paths.
For the first 10 years or so of our lives most of us are encouraged to be heterosexual or straight whether it's the clothes we are given to wear, the toys we are given to play with, the TV we are allowed to watch, or the male role model our father represents.
Even though much has changed in recent decades, this is underpinned by the ideal of traditional family life, still the backbone of many societies, reinforced by heterosexual stereotyping on TV and in the media.
Assuming and reinforcing a person's sexual orientation - which has at least 1 in 10 chance of being something else - is confusing and stressful, especially as we hit puberty when hormones rage and emotions surge.
Two stories for you ...
There are many coming out videos online today but these thoughtful stories from Tom and Kima are both powerful and moving.
It gets better: Tom from Liverpool | UK | tomtom1854 | 4 May 2011 | 12m 53s
Coming out story | Kima Ali | US | 2 Feb 2017 | 15m 36s