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Housing and homelessness support
Citizens Advice
Citizens Advice aims to provide the advice people need for the problems they face and improve the policies and practices that affect people's lives. It provides free, independent, confidential and impartial advice to everyone on their rights and responsibilities. Citizens Advice values diversity promotes equality and challenges discrimination.
National phone service | England: 03444 111 444 | Wales: 03444 77 20 20
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Housing issues always arise, and therefore, you need to know your rights and responsibilities. You could also be threatened with eviction if you can't cope with your mortgage payments. With these links to Citizens Advice pages, you can find information about how to go about renting or buying a home or just finding somewhere to live. You can also find advice on handling problems with your landlord and help to avoid losing your home.
Finding a place to live | Citizens Advice
Renting privately | Citizens Advice
Renting a home | Citizens Advice
Repairs in rented housing | Citizens Advice
Rent arrears | Citizens Advice
Discrimination in housing | Citizens Advice
Moving and improving your home | Citizens Advice
Problems where you live | Citizens Advice
Council tax | Citizens Advice
Mortgage problems | Citizens Advice
Citizens Advice | Citizens Advice
Citizens Advice | Wikpedia