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Sex, gender and sexuality
Bisexuality is the romantic attraction, sexual attraction, or sexual behaviour toward both men (males) and women (females). A bisexual person may be attracted to one gender more than another, equally attracted to all genders, or may consider gender unimportant in terms of attraction. Furthermore, a person’s attraction toward one gender or another may shift over time.
Though this is changing, bisexual men and women have often been forgotten or seen as an after-thought within the LGBT+ community. This is strange, given it's the third letter in LGBT!
Bisexual men and women are also characterised as people who don't exist or are "just going through a phase", "sexually greedy", "gay really", or "can't make up their mind". These views are untrue and disrespectful.
Be an ally
- Ask questions, pick up a book, watch a film
- Use inclusive language
- Learn and educate others
- Call out biphobia
- Remember 23 September, Bi Visibility Day
The bisexual flag
The bisexual pride flag was designed by Michael Page in 1998 to give the bisexual community its symbol comparable to the gay pride flag of the larger LGBT community. He aimed to increase the visibility of bisexuals, both among society as a whole and within the LGBT community. The pink represents gay or homosexual attractions, the blue represents attractions to different genders, and the purple (in the middle) represents attraction regardless of sex or gender.
Bisexuality | (US website)
Bisexuality | Wikipedia
23 September: Bi Visibilty Day | Bi Visibility Day
Bisexual Man Embraces Sexual Fluidity | ImFromDriftwood | 30 May 2021 | 6m 52s
I’m Bisexual, But I’m Not… | Buzz Feed | 11 Oct 2015 | 2m 5s
Bi the way, we exist | Viet Vu | TEDxTerryTalks | 24 Feb 2015 | 15m 44s
LGBT+ Glossary | MEN R US
Check out our awesome glossary of LGBT+ words and terms.
A short history of the word ‘bisexuality’ | Stonewall | 31 Jan 2022
I make my bisexuality clear to new dates. With most women, that disclosure signals the end | The Guardian | 19 Jul 2021
22 things you should read for bisexual awareness week | Pride | 24 Sep 2018
Is bisexuality real? (Yes, obviously) | Pink News | 28 May 2017
6 Truths of Bisexuality | Huff Post | 23 Oct 2016
13 things never to say to bisexual people | Advocate | 23 Sep 2016
Bisexuality: All you need to know about bivisibility | BBC Newsbeat | 23 Sep 2015
Bi visibility day: 23 September |