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Housing, sofa surfing and homelessness
I need help now
If you're in immediate danger ALWAYS call the police
999 | Met Police (London)
National LGBT Domestic Violence Helpline
0300 999 5428/ 0800 999 5428 | GALOP
Trouble with drugs and the law
020 7324 2989 | Release
LGBT Switchboard
0800 0119 100 | LGBT Switchboard
116 123 | Samaritans
Next Meal (food and support 24/7 in London)
Next Meal | Next Meal
Concerned about someone sleeping rough? Get in touch so that we can help connect them to local services. Visit or call 0300 500 0914 to send an alert. Please note we cannot take referrals via social media.
If you are HOMELESS
Contact your local council. If you are calling out of office hours, use the emergency contact number on your council’s website. If there is no emergency service, contact your neighbouring council.
If you need a bed for the night
020 7278 4224 | Alone in London
If you are concerned about someone sleeping rough
If you are concerned about someone sleeping rough in England or Wales, you can use this website to send an alert to StreetLink. The details you provide are sent to the local authority or outreach service for the area in which you have seen the person, to help them find the individual and connect them to support.
LGBT housing advice and support
020 7359 5767 | Stonewall Housing
Supports up to the age of 25 | Albert Kennedy Trust
London: 020 7831 6562
Manchester: 0161 228 3308
Newcastle: 0191 281 0099
Housing advice and support
0808 800 4444 | Shelter
03444 111 444 | Citizens Advice Bureau
LGBTI asylum seekers and refugees
Helpline for LGBTI asylum seekers and refugees | Micro Rainbow
020 3559 6490 | Wednesdays, 14:30 - 18:30
Information and referral service that provides LGBTI asylum seekers and refugees with information on housing or homelessness issues, social inclusion and moving on support for refugees.