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Disability organisations, services and groups


Regard | UK
National organisation of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender and queer people (LGBTQ) who self-identify as disabled. Follows the Social Model of Disability, a way of thinking that says it is society that needs to change by removing the barriers that deny us inclusion and equal rights. Aims to provide information, advice and support to LGBT disabled people; raise awareness and campaign on issues affecting disabled LGBT people, and combat social isolation among LGBT disabled people.

Unique (London) | UK
Unique LGBT is a social group run by disabled LGBT+ people for disabled LGBT+ people. Regular meet-ups and involved with other LGBT+ organisations to support and raise the profile LGBT+ people who are disabled. An all-inclusive and keen to involve members in its activities.
Unique (London LGBT disability group)

Deaf Rainbow UK
Website where deaf people can visit to find information, guidance and educate themselves on the deaf LGBT+ community in an accessible way. Covers advice, history and articles and continually adding content.

Marlborough Productions
Leading UK producer of queer-led, intersectional performance, parties and radical community gatherings. Member of Live Art UK the national network of live Art promoters and its programme has a focus on Live Art and Performance Art as opposed to more conventional theatre.
Marlborough Productions

Charity working with social venues, public spaces and online platforms to create inclusive events and social opportunities that cater specifically to the needs of all those living with disabilities, mental health and chronic health conditions and impairments.

LGBTQ disabled queer and hear
Founded in June 2019, provides nights out for people with disabilities and a platform for people with disabilities who wouldn't normally get an opportunity to show off there skills and talents in the public arena. Works with all disabilities and able-bodied people to ensure that these nights happen in a safe space across the UK.
LGBTQ disabled queer and hear

LGBTQ Disability Project (Brighton and Hove) | UK
Our Disability Project is for LGBTQ disabled people looking for a sense of community, support or information.
 LGBTQ Disability Project | Switchboard (Brighton and Hove)

Inclusion London
Supports deaf and disabled people’s organisations in London and campaign for equality for Deaf and Disabled people.
Inclusion London

Approximately 40% of the LGBTQ community is recognised as having a disability, yet there are no fully accessibly LGBTQ spaces in the UK. Works ith social venues, public spaces and online latforms to create inclusive events and social pportunities that cater specifically to the needs of all hose living with disabilities, mental health and chronic ealth conditions and impairments.

LGBT+ World

Blind LGBT Pride International (World)
Offer advocacy, education, programs, alliances,and support for persons who are either blind or vision impaired and who are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender.
 Blind LGBT Pride International | USA

Rainbow Alliance of Deaf (RAD) | USA
The Rainbow Alliance of the Deaf (RAD) is a nonprofit organization established in 1977 to establish and maintain a society of Deaf LDGTBIPAGFGQA+
Rainbow Alliance of Deaf (RAD) | USA
RAD (Closed Group)


Ouch! is a website from the BBC that reflects the lives and experiences of disabled people. It has articles, blogs, a very busy message board and an award-winning downloadable radio show - The Ouch Podcast). It's aimed at those with a stokehold in disability: family, friends, professionals and, rather importantly, disabled people themselves - without whom all this would be a bit meaningless.

... like an LGBT for disability | BBC Ouch
It appears that the acronym used by the gay, lesbian and trans community works quite well and arguably has been part and parcel of the progressive impact they've had in recent years. So, being as lots of people dislike the word 'disability', could an acronym work better for this group?

More organisations: hard of hearing, partially sighted and blind, holidays and breaks, guide dogs, independent living, benefits and legal

Hard of hearing and deaf

Deaf Unity (UK)
Charity works to ensure deaf people can access effective practical tools, advice and services at critical stages throughout their lives. Aims to unite the deaf community to inform, support and empower.
Deaf Unity

Action on Hearing Loss (previously known as RNID)
Charity working to make life fully inclusive for deaf people and those with hearing loss or tinnitus. Campaigns for an inclusive society, connect people to practical advice, and pioneer new treatments for hearing loss and tinnitus.
Action on Hearing Loss
  0808 800 0009

The Deaf Health Charity
One of the UK’s largest employers of deaf people, and most hearing staff in its projects and services are fluent sign language users. Partners with the NHS and service providers across the country. The Deaf Health Charity

Partially sighted and blind

Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) | UK
The Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) is one of the UK’s leading sight loss charities and the largest community of blind and partially sighted people.
Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB)


Disability Information Scotland
Provides reliable, accurate and accessible information for people living with disability in Scotland.
  Disability Information Scotland


Disabled Students Helpline
This line provides advice to disabled students who are studying in England.
Disabled Students Helpline
0330 995 0414

Holidays and breaks

3H Foundation 
Supporting people with disabilities and allowing carers to have a period of respite.
3H Foundation 

Happy Days Children’s Charity (3-17yrs)
We work with local communities right across the UK to provide vital respite breaks for individuals, families and groups who support children with additional needs.
Happy Days Children’s Charity

Peter le Marchant Trust
Leicestershire based charity providing day trips and holidays on the waterways to a wide range of children and adults who experience health and social issues in their day to day lives.
Peter le Marchant Trust

Revitalise is a national charity providing respite care in a holiday setting for disabled people and carers for over 50 years.

Tourism for All
Tourism for All, or TFA for short, is a small independent national charity believes that it is the right of disabled people to participate in all areas of community life.
Tourism for All UK

Guide dogs, support animals, and pets

Seeing Dogs Alliance
Charity aiming to provide an alternative source of dogs to guide blind people, run by guide dog owners and their families.
Seeing Dogs Alliance

Canine Partners 
A registered charity that transforms the lives of people with physical disabilities by partnering them with assistance dogs.
Canine Partners

Dogs for the Disabled
Brings trained dogs and people together to help them overcome specific challenges, in order to enrich and improve the lives of both.
Dogs for the Disabled

Independent living, support and equipment

Everyone Can
Formerly known as The Aidis Trust, Everyone Can is a charity which has been doing everything it can so that people living with disabilities are able to control their home environment, communicate, and in short, live their lives with as much ease and independence as possible.
Everyone Can

Disabled Living
Disabled Living offers free, impartial information about services for disabled individuals, older people, and those that support them. This includes advice about products and equipment from our specialist Equipz team.
Disabled Living

Disabled Motoring UK
Supports disabled drivers, passengers and Blue Badge holders. Works with government and businesses across the UK to improve parking, refuelling, and access provision for disabled people so they can access the goods and services that they need.
Disabled Motoring UK

Disabled Living Foundation
Provides impartial advice and guidance on aids and solutions for independent living, provides a wide source of information on gadgets, devices and equipment to keep you living your life.
Disabled Living Foundation

Gardening for the Disabled Trust
Provides small grants to people who suffer all kinds of chronic disabilities - mental and physical - to help them get gardening again.
Gardening for the Disabled Trust

Supports children, young people and adults with and without disabilities to make more of life together - breaking down community barriers, reducing social isolation, and creating opportunities for disabled people to enjoy the same activities and challenges as, and alongside, those without a disability.

Queen Elizabeth's Foundation for Disabled People
Works with children and adults with physical and learning disabilities or acquired brain injuries. Offers a wide range of expert services providing support and advice, specialist care, neurorehabilitation and development of life skills that make a real difference to disabled people’s lives.
Queen Elizabeth's Foundation for Disabled People

Activity Alliance
Works to make active lives possible with a vision that disabled people are active for life.
Activity Alliance

 Benefits, rights and legal

Disability benefits
Government directory of carers and disability benefits

Disability equality charity in England and Wales providing practical information and emotional support. Campaign relentlessly to create a fairer society.

The Advocacy People
The Advocacy People supports anybody that needs independent support to speak up. Delivers quality and innovation in advocacy through our practice, and improve people’s lives individually and collectively through putting their case to policymakers.
The Advocacy People

Disability Rights UK
Disability Rights UK is the leading charity of its kind in the UK, run by and for people with lived experience of disability or health conditions.
Disability Rights UK

Disability Law Service
Disability Law Service is a unique charity that has been providing free legal advice and representation for disabled people since 1975.
Disability Law Service

Equality Advisory and Support
Advises and assists individuals on issues relating to equality and human rights, across England, Scotland and Wales. Also accept referrals from organisations which, due to capacity or funding issues, are unable to provide 'in-depth help and support' to local users of their services.
Equality Advisory and Support


Outsiders Club
Social, peer support and dating club, run by and for socially and physically disabled people. Our members have a wide range of impairments, including visual and hearing impairment.
Outsiders Trust


Trussell Trust
Supports a nationwide network of food banks and together provide emergency food and support to people locked in poverty, and campaign for change to end the need for food banks in the UK.
Trussell Trust

Live-in carers

Able Community Care
Arranges live-in carers for an elderly or disabled people in the UK and the Channel Islands.
Able Community Care

 IT support

Supports people of any age, living with any disability or impairment to use technology to achieve their goals at home, at work and in education. We do this by providing specialist advice services, free information resources and by helping to build a more accessible digital world.


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